Aide à la vente

10 Tips to close your deals

10 Tips to close your deals 2048 1387 Marion Noel-Lambert

D igital transformation is a process that led to numerous evolutions within the salesforce. Today, those have to face a constant need of adaptation, legitimately required by more informed customers. Indeed, new technologies have become necessary tools for the smooth functioning and efficiency of sales forces, which must constantly renew their customer approaches. Being able…

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15 Sales Enablement Best Practices To Empower Your Team

15 Sales Enablement Best Practices To Empower Your Team 2048 1366 Louis Chaussé

Technology has profoundly changed the way we do business. For sales teams, CRM (Client Relations Management) software has had the most impact. And so, even though we are providing our salespeople with smart phones, laptops and tablets, the truth is, when it comes to face-to-face meetings, they are still using the same toolsthey were using…

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